1. I am struggling with my core values of respecting a dead human being and throwing my hands up in disgust. That-is-to-say that this fever pitch memorial today for Michael Jackson is very, very sick. Why, you say?
Where were these millions of M. J. fans the last five years when Michael Jackson was very depressed and mortally addicted to pain killers, narcotics and anti-depressants? We basically abandoned this so-called legend because we weren't interested anymore: like ROXIE in the movie "Chicago," we didn't care because he was not first page news, anymore.
2. We created Michael Jackson and then we destroyed his soul with our insatiable, gluttonness appetite for entertainment.
We craze the unreal. the fake part of life, because the reality of this day in United States' communities is both grim and sordid: As Detroit's bishop Gumbleton once said in 1971 when we carpet-bombed Iraj, "The United States of America is SPIRITUALLY BANKRUPT."
3. No, this is NOT fun.
4. How many of us have a morpheme drip machine in our bedrooms to ease the pain of daily living?
5. THE SUITS have moved into Michael Jackson's estate yesterday as greedy Jewish (no, I am not anti-Semitic, just anti-corporate) Hollywood execs now possess co-guardianship of Jackson's estate. His Mother was summarily demoted by the Los Angeles Superior Probate Court, yesterday.
6. Maybe, just maybe, Michael Jackson got the last laugh on all of us by becoming so much more profitable in death than in life as he now gets to erase his debts and pay for his children's future.
7. How insidious is it for the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office to keep Michael Jackson's brain in a jar of formaldehyde and then parade his casket all around Los Angeles.
8. I am NOT a Michael Jackson basher, but I am sick-and-tired of this phony spectacle. Michael Jackson needs our prayers, not television ratings. Please allow him to leave this stage and rest in peace, with God.
9. IN THE MEANTIME, our beloved President Obama is valiantly attempting to reduce the number of nuclear ICBMs that we share from the Cold War with Russia.
California is still broke.
Palin is posturing underneath Alaskan high grasses.
Serial killers continue to manufacture fear in our communities.
Lance Armstrong races courageously in the Tour de France in excessive heat with an American flag on his lapel.
Our children and our elderly peoples are suffering and dying,
alone, this day in our hospitals and rest homes, repectively.
In the middle of our financial draught, the City of Los Angeles is spending $4,000,000.00 for police to guard against another LA riot as M. J,'s body sans cerebellum is being unceremoniously paraded from the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Burbank to the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
So, now that I will be accused of being anti-Semitic and anti Michael Jackson, I might as well throw down my own white glove: I am seriously doubting the sincerity of Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson as they seem to be constantly ON CALL WHENEVER THEY CAN GAIN MONIES AND NOTORIETY FROM SOME TRAGIC, CONTROVERSIAL EVENT WHERE AFRICAN-AMERICANS ARE INVOLVED.
There, I did it. Now I am a card-carrying racist as well.
I give up...
10. I thank you, Michael Jackson, for your profound contributions to American culture with your singing and dancing. I sincerely regret the fact that you sustained so much pain in the last ten years of your life, so much so that you had to numb yourself with narcotics, just to get through the day.
Wayne Dennis Kurtz.