Smiling faces sometimes pretend to be your friend
Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth uh
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
The truth is in the eyes
Cause the eyes don't lie, amen
Remember a smile is just
A frown turned upside down
My friend let me tell you
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth, uh
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
Beware, beware of the handshake
That hides the snake
I'm telling you beware
Beware of the pat on the back
It just might hold you back
Jealousy (jealousy)
Misery (misery)
I tell you, you can't see behind smiling faces
Smiling faces sometimes they don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
(Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes)
(Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes)
I'm telling you beware, beware of the handshake
That hides the snake
Listen to me now, beware
Beware of that pat on the back
It just might hold you back
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
Your enemy won't do you no harm
Cause you'll know where he's coming from
Don't let the handshake and the smile fool ya
Take my advice I'm only try' to school ya
7/18/09SaturdayJuly182009 9:10:38 AM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
FROM: Wayne Kurtz CIN# 218-733-656
1129 Greenacre Avenue
West Hollywood, California
Telephone Number 323 365-5433
Facsimile Number 323 874-1484
Email Address: waynecalifornia@yahoo.com
TO: Stephanie Monroe
The Director of the United States Department of Education, the Civil Rights Division
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C.
Facsimile Number 202 245-6840
Telephone Number 202 521-2172
Email Address: OCR@ed.gov
Dear Stephanie Monroe:
We have exchanged email messages in the past, regarding my complaints against the California State University at Los Angeles. I testify that my statements are true. Please review and comment on the particulars of my formal written complaint.
#1 I strongly ascertain that Cal State University at Los Angeles actively promulgates a culture of institutionalized discriminations against myself and other students in these ways: disability status, age, gender, race and religious background. My hard drive crashed so I will have to send you, soon, those rescued files.
#2 The particulars: I have sustained major health problems as well as work-related injuries when I taught high school English at Firebaugh in Lynwood, California. The LUSD has recently been in the national news because Firebaugh’s disgraced former principal, Jonas Silverio, was arrested at the LAX airport and charged with seventeen (17) counts of felonious child molestations. Silverio delegated a non-rehire status to me and countless other teachers who blew the whistle on him. The administrators at Firebaugh High School, the LUSD board, and the Lynwood City Council are extremely corrupt, perverted and likewise felons-as-accomplices in the sexual misconduct of Jonas Silverio. In other words, they “covered” for him. In the meantime, young female volleyball players have to live with Silverio’s ravenous rape and sexual abuse memories for the rest of their lives.
I am registered with the OSD (The Office for Students with Disabilities) at CSLA. I enrolled in TVF 365, Course #12376, for the summer 2009 session. This class is listed as an “Advanced Scriptwriting Class” and was supposed to be taught by Professor Enrique Berumen. Instead, Lee Iriwn, an adjunct teacher, is teaching this class. Irwin showed up late to class, wearing a T shirt and jeans, hardly proper attire for a so-called university professor. Her syllabus did not exist. She had no office hours or phone or email contacts. She moved the class across the hallway for what unkown reason and then moved us back, again. The following week she did not make the effort to contact us that she had moved this class from King Hall B4007 to a room in the music building on the second floor. She left a note on that room, saying that the class had been moved to the room on the first floor because the air conditioning was not working. I am sick, injured and disabled. I have heart disease, COPD, asthma, and major injuries to my neck, my back, both knees, my right wrist, a broken left TMJ, a broken tendon in my right shoulder as well as ongoing depression due to the neglectful abuse of the California Workers Compensation program. I have not received one red cent in monetary benefits or adequate medical care or psychological counseling in over two years now. I am a devout follower of Saint Francis, Caesar Chavez, Mahatma Ghandi, and Martin Luther King, Junior. I am a non-violent human being who believes in the implementation of state and federal laws to rectify differences. The elevator did not work in that music building, which is common at CSLA. This so-called university is cheap as they do not repair the broken infrastructure, in the midst of over one billion dollars in reserve. It was nearly 100 degrees Farenheit that day so I discontinued the Mad Hatter’s Ride because I had heat stroke. I have a sick note from Dr. Zielinski of the CSLA Student Health Center. I never heard from Irwin in the next week. I gave her, at our next class meeting, the sick note and a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities that demands “reasonable accommodations” under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. She basically ignored this mandate and gave me 2 out of 10 grade for being late and not agreeing with her lock-step academics. I am filing a formal written grievance against this so-called university professor for various discriminations. Letycia Gomez, the perfunctory manager of the CSLA Office for Judicial Affairs, continues to do nothing for me and my fellow students. She is the University’s “hatchet-woman,” if you will, as she only backs up the CSLA’s Draconian policies.
On Monday, March 30, 2009, I went to the room for my TVF class that was supposed to be taught by Jon Dupre. He left a note on the classroom door, saying that he had “taken this day off in celebration of Caesar Chavez and would be at a party in the CSLA Student Union.” Dupre just gave himself permission to take two days off and waste taxpayers’ monies. I saw him the next week as I had a chiropractor’s appointment and came to class 45 minutes into the class. He had blocked the entrance with a TV/monitor. He barked at me that I was late and I immediately responded that I was at a doctor’s appointment. I sad that “I was very sick and very injured. This jerk so-called professor tried to embarrass me in front of this class by pontificating, “Well, maybe you are not fit enough to take this rigorous class.” That is funny because I have not experienced anything that even approximates “academic rigor” at CSLA. This place is literally a bad joke.
On Saturday, April 4, 2009 at 9 am, I drove 35 miles roundtrip to CSLA, only to be rejected by another discriminating teacher named Bridget Murname. She was late and told me in no uncertain terms, “What are you doing here?” She was belligerent. There was room for more than twenty students and I was the fifth person in that room. She added that I was too far behind. I find that interesting because most CSLA so-called University professors spend the first class by wasting time to go over the class syllabus, which, by-the-way, is not a legal and binding contract, regardless. Also, mot CSLA teachers do not hold a class on the designated time for finals (more wasted taxpayers’ dollars for laxy and whimsical teachers). I told her that I would file a grievance against her for her non-chalance and discriminations against me.
I am also filing a complaint against two students, Patricia Tone and another soon-to-be-named student, in the Communications Studies Department. Patricia Tone is a bigot and a harassing academic bully. In front of the comedy sitcom production class, she said that “Wayne is too slow to move props around the stage and he can’t walk.” More specifics will follow, soon. The second student, last week in my acting class, a female student was likewise discriminatory against me. I read a poem called “Two Women.” This thoughtless student piped up and likewise pontificated that “Wayne is not a woman, middle class or young,” which means that he has absolutely no business in reading this poem in this class. I was aghast. I will file an addendum to this complaint and send you her name as well.
I humbly request that you, Stephanie Monroe, re-open my previous complaints against the Charter School of Education, the Special Education Department, at Cal State University at Los Angeles. I do not want the same non-chalance from Attorney Gemini Mc Clasland in your San Francisco Office.
I am carbon-copying this letter to my United States Congressman, Henry A. Waxman, and to my United States California Senators, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Fienstein.
CSLA has also illegally delayed my Federal Student Loan as that is just their way of “paying back” those students who have the cohones to criticize their gross malfeasance.
I sincerely thank you, Stephanie Monroe, for taking the time to read this, my formal written complaint, against the California State University at Los Angeles for various civil rights discriminations.
Wayne Kurtz
Carbon copies: Henry A. Waxman, Senators Fienstein and Boxer.
Enclosures: Correspondence to and from myself and Letycia Gomez as well as Lee Irwin.
Various verifiable documents that constitute evidence to enhance my complaints.
I am a professor at Sac State. Every semester I have dozens of students come to the first day of classes pleading to be admitted to classes that are already at capacity. I have always granted this request for the good of the students even though this amounts to a significant increase in workload with no additional compensation. Just last semester I added an additional 40 students to an already full course, the equivalent of teaching an entire extra class of students. Now, in addition to an already 15% cut from lost raises we are being asked to sacrifice another 10% of our pay. If the administration continues with this plan to balance the state budget on the backs of the students, staff and faculty, I will no longer work for free for this university. I will refuse to overload my classes above their official capacity and I urge my colleagues to do the same. Only after the administration and politicans feel the same pain as the students, faculty, and staff will the CSU be fully funded.
-- YourProf
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CSU chancellor proposes 20% hike in student fees
California State University Chancellor Charles B. Reed unveiled a plan Thursday to increasestudent fees by about 20 percent – asking students to pay nearly $1,000 more for annual tuition this fall compared with last.
Trustees of the Cal State system are expected to vote on the proposal Tuesday as one piece in a larger plan to close a $584 million deficit. Reed's budget plan also calls for reducing enrollment by 40,000 students, furloughing workers two days a month and asking individual campuses to cut courses and programs.
The proposed $672 fee increase comes on top of a $306 fee increase trustees approved in May, when the trustees raised the cost of attending a Cal State school by 10 percent. Adding on the average campus fee of $801, the typical cost for undergraduates this fall would be $4,827.
"I think that's a good bargain, especially if you compare us to other universities in the country," Reed said during a conference call Thursday with reporters.
His proposal to raise fees comes as the federal government is handing out more Pell Grant money for needy college students and increasing the tax credits available to families with children in college.
Reed said students from families with incomes less than $75,000 would not wind up paying the higher fees because financial aid will cover them. That's about 40 percent of Cal State students.
Middle class families – unable to qualify for financial aid, but still suffering from the tough economy – will likely be hit the hardest by the fee increases, experts have said.
If approved, the fee increase would generate about $157 million for CSU. Reed wants to save another $275 million by furloughing employees two days a month.
Most CSU workers are unionized and the furlough plan has ignited serious tension with the unions. Professors and support staff are voting this week on the plan to take two furlough days a month, which would cut their pay by about 10 percent.
The CSU Faculty Association has not told its 23,000 members how they should vote, said union President Lillian Taiz, a Cal State Los Angeles professor.
"This is a very difficult question and there are principled positions on all sides," she said.
Reed said that if faculty reject the furloughs, he will lay off about 9,000 professors, which would force the university to cut 22,000 courses this fall.
Some members of the CSU Employees Union, which represents 16,000 nonacademic employees such as custodians, nurses and lab assistants, said they would prefer a plan that cut pay based on how much workers earn – the way the University of California is doing its furloughs.
Laura Lockett, who oversees the printing shop at CSUS, said many workers on her campus make less than $40,000 a year.
"For somebody in that income bracket to take a 10 percent hit can be financially devastating," she said.
Call The Bee's Laurel Rosenhall, (916) 321-1083.
Comments: 74 Showing:
- kevmo77 wrote on 07/18/2009 11:22:03 AM:
It is unbelievable that no one has shed much light on the fact that at the CSU trustees fall meeting they voted to give Chancelor Reed and all twenty three campus presidents a 14% pay increase and also voted to raise student fees by 10%. This amounted to a raise of nearly $60,000 for Reed, who is now payed $483,000, not to mention the 197 people on his staff who took $25.8 Million in salaries from the tax payer. This will not stop until the people rise up and run feculent rascals like Reed, Udof, and the Governor out of California. This has to stop now!
- cynm wrote on 07/18/2009 08:04:13 AM:
How about a 20% cut in college administrator salaries to go along with it?
- romancer wrote on 07/18/2009 00:03:49 AM:
I don't understand why the students don't rebel against these increases. If they do not have sense of community and commitment to have there voices heard then why should anyone else care? Have our future generations of American's already been turned into sheeple? Where is their passion, student power and ability to take on such issue as a powerful force of like minded individuals. I find their lack of action on their own behalves more disturbing than what the university is proposing. If they don't value one another s and their own education enough to fight for it. Then they deserve the short end of the stick. For that is what they will forever be getting.
- QuietType wrote on 07/17/2009 10:52:22 PM:
Holy cow.. Meanwhile the UC and CSU Presidents are making 300k a year along with "living expenses" like car and house gift money. Just plain ridiculous, I'm glad I went through college when I did, these increases are insane and pushing so many students into incredible debt or blocking their college dreams all together. Great job, the next generation will be even more inadequately prepared for the future and stupider to boot. I guess dumbing down the voting base of California keeps the system going, right?
- imaami wrote on 07/17/2009 10:31:20 PM:
"onemorething wrote on 07/17/2009 06:20:48 PM: Un-f'ing beleive-able. Cut the salaries of UC and CSU presidents, take away their free cars and make them pay their own rents and mortgages. There was a 20% hike last quarter, and now another? I sure hope they will increase loan and grant allowances." Don't worry the low and no income students are still getting their classes for free, if you want to go to class for free then you might have to get pregnant, if you can't too bad.
- IhateTaxes wrote on 07/17/2009 10:22:50 PM:
The 60% student body that is paying for its education and also asked to pay 20% more so that the 40% that don't pay a dime can still go for free. This is the mentality of the welfare state that CA has become. The chronically poor and welfare groups demand free services and get it while the working people are taxed to death to help the poor. This has got to end. All students need to pay the same price for the same education. Be you rich or poor, black/ white/ yellow/ brown or pink the same price for all. No specail programs for race or income. This so called helping the poor is killing the middle class.
- tenderloin wrote on 07/17/2009 09:56:22 PM:
$1000 a year? Hmm How many packs of cigs, blunts, hair extensions, nails done, iphone, ipods, vacations, partying, latest clothese on and on do students go on/through/use? It is all about priorities for many students. $1000 is chump change for 99% of them. Youu can take that to the bank.
- FrederickBaroh wrote on 07/17/2009 09:48:32 PM:
Too late, we already did elect an Illegal- Arnold Shwartzenegger. Whose Tourist Visa expired before he begun his Hollywood career. Our public higher education systems are imploding anyway. I'm for public education, but recognize that they are in definite need of modernization. Tenure, aiant campuses and the like are over with. College can be anywhere anytime with an Internet culture, and it costs less to impliment. Colleges have to produce results, not be the bestowers of class privileges, which is what high fees do. Just because you have a degree, doesn't make you a good person, or even competant in your field.
- jlg3rd wrote on 07/17/2009 09:27:14 PM:
Hey great idea to balance the budget on the back of college students. I have a better idea ......why don'y we dumb down our youth and then elect them! Yea that will work! Hey even better lets elect illegals.
- RobThomas wrote on 07/17/2009 09:00:22 PM:
Nonsense. Instead, trim executive salaries, and only raise the fees on students whose family incomes exceeds 250k/year, just like Obama's tax plan. It's a public school, after all. Concessions at sporting events can be raised, too. Anyone who can afford to go to a college sports game for leisurely reasons practically deserves to be scalped at the concession stand. Parents and families of the athletes won't care, they're usually prepared and will sneak small packages of snacks in. There are plenty of routes to go without raising tuition.
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