7/23/09ThursdayJuly232009 6:08:14 AM
Thursday, July 23, 2009
FROM: Wayne Kurtz
CIN# 218-733-656
TO: Letycia Gomez
The Manager of Judicial Affairs at Cal State University at Los Angeles.
The Second White Paper on Cal State Los Angeles
I sincerely appreciate our meeting in your office two days ago. I took our comments to heart BUT I have sent you, Letycia, two email messages, asking for another meeting with you. I have not heard from you since then. I am doing my best not to get “personal” with you or anyone else in the CSLA or the university professors. These are some areas of common ground that I am seeking with you.
Firstly, I need to have copies of that ten inch stack of faxes that you showed me, two days ago in your office. I can bring my own little HP copying machine or pay CSLA to make copies. Why? So that I can show you exactly on a timeline what I complained about.
Secondly, I need two official copies of the CSLA police reports, dated on July 4, 2007. I have requested these police reports at least six times in the past in a formal written manner.
Thirdly, if you do not negotiate in good faith the expunging in a retroactive withdrawal the very illegal and unjust D and F grades on my transcripts, then I will sue this University in the Los Angeles Superior court, as I will file the complaints tomorrow morning on Hill Street. Yes, Victor King, you will have your day in court and I will get my Shakesperian “pound of flesh.” No knows the future but I must begin this process as I sincerely believe that I will prevail in this matter.
Fourthly, I know the laws regarding media influences on this case. Until a judge places a gag order on my complaint, I will invite the media in print, radio, television and the Internet to enjoin me on these very important issues in my complaint:
1. CSLA professors have discriminated against me in the form of gender, age, disability status, race, as well as political and religious beliefs. I took notes, as well as legal audio notes, from many of these professors’ lectures. This is not wire-tapping.
2. I have been very vocal against these discriminations and CSLA’s administration has retaliated against my “whistle-blowing” with even more Draconian measures. I’ll leave that up to you imagination, Mr. Victor King.
3. Federico Vargas sent me an email. I have heart disease and will not be subject to his screaming at me in his office and down the hallway, again. We can meet at a neutral place like the office in West Hollywood of my California State Assemblyman, Michael Feuer.
4. Letycia, I am doing my best to act in good faith with you. Unfortunately, I am getting the company “hard line” from you. I realize that this is your job and, again, I will try not to call you a “henchman” but you are towing the line for this university which covets illegal activities and institutionalized discriminations. That is plural.
5. I spent the afternoon at your school, throwing up and experiencing very painful diarrhea from these unhealthy encounters with Cal State Los Angeles. I now am requesting a third party to look into your seedy affairs. This is not pretty. It will get ugly in court, for both parties. I did not enroll here to sue you. I am seeking your counsel, this last time, as I will file the complaint tomorrow morning. I am initiating this complaint pro per and then will amend it with an attorney who will upstage your very problematic attorney du jour, Mr. Victor King, in a court of law.
6. You have until 5 pm today Pacific Standard Time, Thursday, July 23, 2009, to call me at 323 365-5433 in order to negotiate a stipulated agreement with me. After that time, my contact with you will be limited by legal constraints.
Wayne Kurtz
Posto Scripto: I have not carbon copied this document to anyone
as I am ccing this to Lee Irwin. She has no legal right to bar me from this class.I am ccing this to my attorney, the CSLA Police Chief King as well as CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed, and CSLA'S James Rosser.I will also invite local print, Internet and television/radio media in the form of The Los Angeles Times, The LA Daily News, as well as CBS and its sister station, K CAL 9.You have no legal right to prohibit me from entering that classroom.I will videotape all proceedings.I am drawing this marginot (WW I -LOOK IT UP) line in the sand as I have no criminal record and will protest against you continual arbitrary discriminations and illegal activities in a peaceful civil protest.I have a federal Department of Justice clearance as a teacher. My California driver's license number is K0654058, IF you wish to run a check on any outstanding warrants.I need to see a valid teaching credential for Lee Irwin PLUS a valid verifiable copy of her California Loyalty Oath. I need official proof that Lee Irwin is qualified to teach this class as her lack of proper demeanor and teaching methodologies raise grave concerns to me as to her academic qualifications.Your tactics, Letycia Gomez, are blatantly immoral and illegal and bullying.You have broken the law.If you attempt to arrest me, for any reason, then I will vigorously litigate against CSLA as well as the CSU system in civil as well as criminal courts.Paul Newman said in "Cool Hand Luke," 'I think, warden, that we have a problem in communicating.'I am not feeling trust for you, Letycia Gomez, at this point in time. I agree to meet with you in the West Hollywood office of Michael Feuer, my elected California State Assemblyman, at 9200 Sunset Boulevard, PENTHOSE #15.Sincerely,Wayne Dennis KurtzCarbon Copies: Jack O'Connell, the California State Superintendent of EducationThe Los Angeles Chief of Police, Bill Bratton.Steve Cooley, The Los Angeles County District Attorney.My United States Congressman, Henry A. Waxman.My United States Senators, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Fienstein.Wayne KurtzNo one can make you feel inferior without your consent.Eleanor Roosevelt, 'This Is My Story,' 1937
From: "Gomez, Letycia" <LTGomez@CSLANET.CalStateLA.edu>
To: Wayne <waynecalifornia@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 5:19:19 PM
Subject: RE: 3:30 pm is fine butHi Wayne,Per our discussion last week I followed up to meet with the professor to determine if it would be in your best interest to continue in the class. I am going to recommend that you not continue, but I would like to discuss the details with you in person on Monday. I’ll see you at 3:30.
Thank you,Letycia
From: Wayne [mailto:waynecalifornia@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 4:49 PM
To: Gomez, Letycia
Subject: 3:30 pm is fine but
I need to have an assignment, in writing, not verbally, from Lee Irwin, today not Monday afternoon.
Wayne Kurtz at 323 365-5433.No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt, 'This Is My Story,' 1937
From: " Gomez, Letycia " <LTGomez@CSLANET.CalStateLA.edu>
To: Wayne <waynecalifornia@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 3:34:40 PM
Subject: RE: discrimination complaintHi Wayne,Sorry I wasn’t able to get back to you yesterday. You may remember that I mentioned that I would be out of the office on Thursday and I did not have access to my email. Can you come in to meet with me on Monday? We can go over updates from our last conversation. I am available at 2:00 or at 4:00. Let me know if you can make it on Monday, or if another day works better for you.
Thank you,Letycia
From: Wayne [mailto:waynecalifornia@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 5:54 PM
To: Gomez, Letycia
Subject: Re: discrimination complaint
Thank you, Letycia, and I can meet with you on Wednesday afternoon or Friday, after my doctor's appointment.
Wayne Kurtz
CIN #218-733-656.No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt, 'This Is My Story,' 1937
From: " Gomez, Letycia " <LTGomez@CSLANET.CalStateLA.edu>
To: Wayne <waynecalifornia@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 5:08:23 PM
Subject: RE: discrimination complaintHi Wayne,Thank you for keeping me in the loop on this. As we discussed yesterday, I needed to make the University aware that you had notified us about filing the complaints. I think Mr. Vargas’ email is in response to that. If you would like to discuss, please give me a call so we can set a time to meet. I will be out of the office on Thursday, but back on Friday.
Thank you,Letycia
From: Wayne [mailto:waynecalifornia@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:49 PM
To: Gomez, Letycia
Subject: Fw: discrimination complaint
Wayne KurtzNo one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt, 'This Is My Story,' 1937
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Vargas, Federico" <FVargas@cslanet.calstatela.edu>
To: videopalitalia@mac.com; waynecalifornia@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:41:22 PM
Subject: discrimination complaintMr. Kurtz
I have been forwarded your recent complaint alleging that discrimination related to disability, race and gender.
I am providing you with the following link for our discrimination complaint form. Here it is:
I would be more than happy to investigate any new allegations you may have; however, any allegations involving previously investigated matters will not be addressed.
Please complete this as soon as possible and as best as possible. You are welcome to attach additional documentation which identifies the specific dates of alleged harms that occurred. Please submit this at your earliest convenience so that I can commence to investigate your allegations.
Thank you
Federico VargasEquity and Diversity SpecialistCalifornia State University , Los AngelesHuman Resources Management(V)323-343-3041 (F) 323-343-3662
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